Summer Letter Writing

11:58 AM

I just wanted to share an idea I used with my students that I thought was really fun. I wrote a previous post about the Summer Slide, and I know it is something a lot of teachers worry about. You work hard with your students all year, and then to have them fall backwards over the summer is so disappointing!

One idea I used was to encourage them to write letters. I sent home 3 pieces of stationery and an addressed, stamped envelope to me. I told them to write letters to relatives or friends, and to send me a letter too.

This was fun for the kids, but it was so fun for me too! I loved going to the mailbox every day to see if I had gotten a letter. I got a bunch of letters right at the beginning of the summer, and by the end of the summer they had tapered off, but I still really enjoyed it. Here are a few examples of letters I received:

She got the "Sweetest Smile" award. That's why she refers to her sweet smile. Also, just FYI... I didn't end up going to Bear Lake with her. : )

I received this letter 2 days after school got out. : )

I got this letter about halfway into the next school year. His mom said he still always talked about how I was his favorite teacher. So sweet!

Here is the text of the note I sent home with the stationery, so you can see what I sent home.

A great way to practice writing over the summer is to write letters.  You can write to friends or relatives. I am sure they woulc be happy to get a letter from you. I would also be thrilled to hear how your summer is going. Here are three pieces of stationery for you to write three letters on. Enclosed is a stamped envelope with my address on it. I hope you will use a piece of stationary to write a letter to me. If you write me a letter, you can bet I will write you one back!

I hope to hear from you over the summer!

I did feel a little weird giving everyone my address, but I figured they could look it up online anyway, so it didn't really matter. You could also give your e-mail address and have them send you an e-mail. 

If you try it out, I would love to hear from you and see some of the letters you get from your littles!

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